Metal Arms Wiki
Zombie Bot by stray shadow


Zombiebots are a race of semi-sentient robots made out of seemingly random metal scrap and will attack any bot in the pursuit of fresh oil, Mil or Droid alike. They are often found in the wastelands and in the ruins of Iron Star.


Not much is known about their origins, construction or intellect. Presumably, they are controlled by the Zombiebot King. Zombiebots are first encountered in They Live, after Glitch crosses the first bridge, attacking a group of Mil Grunts. They are encountered throughout the level and the next three levels, ambushing the player whenever possible.

They are encountered again when Glitch explores the ruins of Iron Star.

They are last encountered in the Mil Stadium as a challenge imposed on Glitch, and are not seen again for the remainder of the game.


Zombiebots use their surprising speed to charge at their prey, flailing their claws and running at full speed. They do a huge amount of damage in a very short time and their size means they can push targets around, off cliff edges, into corners, or against other zombie bots. They use a pack mentality, often attacking in groups of two to four, and using ambushes and surprise attacks when alone. After suffering enough damage, zombiebots will disassemble into a pile of junk. After a short amount of time the junk parts will reassemble back into a functional Bot ready to attack again. After suffering enough damage for a second time, the bot parts will once again disperse and detonate, leaving no remains. At this point, the zombiebot is dead.

Trivia & Easter Eggs[]

Easter Eggs:

  • If the player zooms in on any zombiebot in the game, the "Target" section of the scope will say "WTF?"
  • About halfway through the level "They Live", the player can find two zombiebots in a suspended cage. If the player chooses to free them by cutting the wires using their ripper, the zombiebots will act as recruited bots who will fight for the player, even fighting other zombiebots. (Suggesting that they are sentient, not just mindless zombies.)



Concept Art

